ヘリモンスター | ドローン | DOGCOM | HAPPYMODEL | BETAFPV日本代理

ヘリモンスター | ドローン | DOGCOM | HAPPYMODEL | BETAFPV日本代理

★特価・500円★RCX Intelligent Traffic Lights for Plane and Drone (12V / 4 Colors) [x09-433]

90% OFF 2060円(税込)


Under normal mode, the light is not controlled by the remote control:
1. Normally on
2. Quick Flash
3. Put Out

Under intelligent mode, the light is controlled by the remote control:
4. Slow Flash
5. Quick Flash
6. Blasting Flash

Important Notice
Input power cannot be reversed otherwise the PCB controller will burn immediately. So please make sure you connect the correct + and - to the controller.

Input Voltage: 12V Only
For PWM Signal
Onboard Buzzer
