ヘリモンスター | ドローン | DOGCOM | HAPPYMODEL | BETAFPV日本代理

ヘリモンスター | ドローン | DOGCOM | HAPPYMODEL | BETAFPV日本代理

BETAFPV Loop Antenna 2.4GHz [BF-01170003_1]



BETAFPV によって設計および製造されたループ アンテナは、2.4G/868MHz/915MHz TX モジュールまたは無線に使用されます。 これは、2.3dBi のゲインで 360 度の水平放射パターンを提供し、より広い範囲をカバーする無指向性アンテナです。 また、同軸ケーブルをアンテナにハンダ付けすることにより、信号伝送ロスが少なくなり、性能が向上します。

Coaxial cable length: 65mm (2.4G)/90mm (868MHz/915MHz)
Connector: SMA Male
Gain: 2.3dBi (2.4G)/2.3dBi (868MHz/915MHz)
VSWR: <1.5 (2.4G)/<2.0 (868MHz/915MHz)
Polarization type: Linear polarization
Suggested for: BETAFPV Nano TX Module/BETAFPV Micro TX Module, Any 2.4G/868MHz/915MHz TX module or radios
Loop Antenna or Moxon Antenna
All antennas have a specific use case and choosing a suitable antenna is important to fly a quadcopter. BETAFPV Loop antenna is an omnidirectional antenna that radiates and receives the RF energy equally, providing a 360-degree radiation pattern that allows connectivity in all horizontal directions. BETAFPV Moxon antenna is a directional antenna that focuses RF energy in a required direction. For example, if pilots fly a quadcopter around within a certain range, the Loop antenna is a good choice. When flying a quadcopter for long distances in one direction, the Moxon antenna works better.

The BETAFPV Loop antenna is omnidirectional with a 360-degree horizontal radiation pattern. Below is the antenna 3D radiation pattern image. Note that do NOT use the antenna with the wrong frequency. Even if they look almost the same, they will have different performances at the wrong frequency.

1 * BETAFPV Loop Antenna (2.4G )
